Cloudflare Docs
AI Gateway
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Observe and control

Now that your application is connected to the AI Gateway, you should be able to see requests coming in through your Cloudflare Dashboard - AI Gateway. This guide shows you what data you can expect to see and what settings to configure for better control.

​​ Analytics

Your AI Gateway dashboard shows metrics on requests, tokens, caching, errors, and cost. You can filter these metrics by time and provider-type.

​​ Using GraphQL

You can use GraphQL to query your usage data outside of the AI Gateway dashboard. See the example query below. You will need to use your Cloudflare token when making the request, and change {account_id} to match your account tag.

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"query": "query{\n viewer {\n accounts(filter: { accountTag: \"{account_id}\" }) {\n requests: aiGatewayRequestsAdaptiveGroups(\n limit: $limit\n filter: { datetimeHour_geq: $start, datetimeHour_leq: $end }\n orderBy: [datetimeMinute_ASC]\n ) {\n count,\n dimensions {\n model,\n provider,\n gateway,\n ts: datetimeMinute\n }\n \n }\n \n }\n }\n}",
"variables": {
"limit": 1000,
"start": "2023-09-01T10:00:00.0Z",
"end": "2023-09-30T10:00:00.0Z",
"orderBy": "date_ASC"

​​ Logging

Your AI Gateway dashboard also shows real-time logs of individual requests, such as the prompt, response, provider, timestamps, and whether the request was successful, cached, or if there was an error. These logs do not persist and are deleted after approximately 30 minutes.

​​ Settings

On the third tab of the dashboard, you can see settings for your gateway.

​​ Caching

You can enable caching so requests are served from our cache rather than the original provider. This can help you keep costs down and provide faster responses for your users.

For more details, refer to Caching.

​​ Rate limiting

Rate limiting controls the traffic that reaches your application, which prevents expensive bills and suspicious activity.

For more details, refer to Rate limiting.

​​ Editing your gateway

You can also delete and rename your gateway or the endpoint. If you edit your gateway endpoint (not the gateway name in the dashboard), you will need to update the endpoints in your code to reflect the updated changes.

Deleting your gateway is permanent and can not be undone.