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Export GraphQL data to CSV

This tutorial shows how to create a Python script to query the GraphQL API for Network Analytics data and convert the response to comma-separated values (CSV). Produced CSV could be easily ingested by tools like Splunk for further visualization and usage.

Therefore, this example queries the ipFlows1mAttacksGroups dataset, which contains minutely aggregates of Network Analytics attack activity.

​​ Prerequisites

The tutorial requires a valid Cloudflare API Token with Account Analytics:read permission. It also expects that account you are interested in is entitled to access Network Analytics.

Scripts in this tutorial requires Python version 3.6 or higher.

If you are looking to configure a Cloudflare API Token for a specific account, please refer to Configure an Analytics API token. Make sure you have access to the account.

​​ Set up a script with authentication

The first step is to set up the script and define the variables for further authentication with the GraphQL API using a Cloudflare API token. The script also provides variables to set the range of data to export.

This example queries for a seven-day period that ended yesterday.

Set up script and authentication
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import requests
# the endpoint of GraphQL API
url = ''
# Customize these variables.
file_dir = '' # Must include trailing slash. If left blank,
# csv will be created in the current directory.
api_token = '[your API token here]'
api_account = '[your account ID here]'
# Set most recent day as yesterday by default.
offset_days = 1
# How many days worth of data do we want? By default, 7.
historical_days = 7

​​ Calculate the date n days ago

The get_past_date() function takes a number of days (num_days), subtracts that value from today’s date, and returns the date num_days ago.

Calculates the datetime num_days ago and returns it in ISO format
def get_past_date(num_days):
today = datetime.utcnow().date()
return today - timedelta(days=num_days)

The script uses get_past_date() with the offset_days and historical_days variables to calculate the appropriate date range (min_date and max_date) when it queries the GraphQL API.

​​ Query the GraphQL API

The get_cf_graphql() function assembles and sends a request to the GraphQL API. The headers will include the data for authentication.

The payload contains the GraphQL query. In this query, we would like to get a list of the next fields for a given account and time range:

  • attack ID
  • attack type
  • start time
  • end time
  • mitigation type
  • avg, max rate of packets per second

To get started with GraphQL queries, please refer to Querying basics.

The braces used in the GraphQL query are doubled to escape them in Python’s f-string.

GraphQL requires a query to be a single-line text, therefore we should remove all newline symbols before sending it.

Query the Network Analytics GraphQL API
def get_cf_graphql(start_date, end_date):
assert(start_date <= end_date)
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_token}'
# The GQL query we would like to use:
payload = f'''{{"query":
"query ipFlowEventLog($accountTag: string) {{
viewer {{
filter: {{ accountTag: $accountTag }}
) {{
filter: $filter
limit: 10000
orderBy: [min_datetimeMinute_ASC]
) {{
dimensions {{
avg {{
min {{
max {{
"variables": {{
"accountTag": "{api_account}",
"filter": {{
"date_geq": "{start_date}"
"date_leq": "{end_date}"
r =, data=payload.replace('\n', ''), headers=headers)
return r

​​ Convert the data to CSV

Use a tool such as the open-source pandas library (pd) to convert a response from the GraphQL API (JSON) to CSV.

In this example, the convert_to_csv() function does some JSON processing before conversion — normalizing the data, selecting only the desired data, and renaming the columns so that they are user-friendly. The function also checks whether the API responded successfully or we got an error.

The result is output to file in the directory specified by file_dir.

Convert the data to CSV
def convert_to_csv(raw_data, start_date, end_date):
data = pd.read_json(raw_data, dtype=False)['data']
errors = pd.read_json(raw_data, dtype=False)['errors']
# Check if we got any errors
if errors.notna().any() or not 'viewer' in data or not 'accounts' in data['viewer']:
print('Failed to retrieve data: GraphQL API responded with error:')
# Flatten nested JSON data first
network_analytics_normalized = pd.json_normalize(data['viewer']['accounts'], 'ipFlows1mAttacksGroups')
if len(network_analytics_normalized) == 0:
print('We got empty response')
network_analytics_abridged = network_analytics_normalized[[
# Rename the columns to get friendly names
network_analytics_abridged.columns = [
'Attack ID',
'Started at',
'Ended at',
'Action taken',
'Attack type',
'Destination IP',
'Max packets/second',
'Avg packets/second']
file = "{}network-analytics-{}-{}.csv".format(file_dir, start_date, end_date)
print("Successfully exported to {}".format(file))

​​ The final script

Get Cloudflare Network Analytics via GraphQL API in CSV format
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import requests
# the endpoint of GraphQL API
url = ''
# Customize these variables.
file_dir = '' # Must include trailing slash. If left blank,
# csv will be created in the current directory.
api_token = '[your API token here]'
api_account = '[your account ID here]'
# Set most recent day as yesterday by default.
offset_days = 1
# How many days worth of data do we want? By default, 7.
historical_days = 7
def get_past_date(num_days):
today = datetime.utcnow().date()
return today - timedelta(days=num_days)
def get_cf_graphql(start_date, end_date):
assert(start_date <= end_date)
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_token}'
# The GQL query we would like to use:
payload = f'''{{"query":
"query ipFlowEventLog($accountTag: string) {{
viewer {{
filter: {{ accountTag: $accountTag }}
) {{
filter: $filter
limit: 10000
orderBy: [min_datetimeMinute_ASC]
) {{
dimensions {{
avg {{
min {{
max {{
"variables": {{
"accountTag": "{api_account}",
"filter": {{
"date_geq": "{start_date}"
"date_leq": "{end_date}"
r =, data=payload.replace('\n', ''), headers=headers)
return r
def convert_to_csv(raw_data, start_date, end_date):
data = pd.read_json(raw_data, dtype=False)['data']
errors = pd.read_json(raw_data, dtype=False)['errors']
# Check if we got any errors
if errors.notna().any() or not 'viewer' in data or not 'accounts' in data['viewer']:
print('Failed to retrieve data: GraphQL API responded with error:')
# Flatten nested JSON data first
network_analytics_normalized = pd.json_normalize(data['viewer']['accounts'], 'ipFlows1mAttacksGroups')
if len(network_analytics_normalized) == 0:
print('We got empty response')
network_analytics_abridged = network_analytics_normalized[[
# Rename the columns to get friendly names
network_analytics_abridged.columns = [
'Attack ID',
'Started at',
'Ended at',
'Action taken',
'Attack type',
'Destination IP',
'Max packets/second',
'Avg packets/second']
file = "{}network-analytics-{}-{}.csv".format(file_dir, start_date, end_date)
print("Successfully exported to {}".format(file))
start_date = get_past_date(offset_days + historical_days)
end_date = get_past_date(offset_days)
req = get_cf_graphql(start_date, end_date)
if req.status_code == 200:
convert_to_csv(req.text, start_date, end_date)
print("Failed to retrieve data: GraphQL API responded with {} status code".format(req.status_code))