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Cloudflare Zero Trust
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Each client supports the following set of parameters as part of their deployment, regardless of the deployment mechanism.

​​ Required for full Cloudflare Zero Trust features

For the majority of Cloudflare Zero Trust features to work, you need to specify a team name. Examples of Cloudflare Zero Trust features which depend on the team name are HTTP policies, Browser Isolation, and device posture.

​​ organization

Instructs the client to register the device with your organization. Registration requires authentication via an IdP or Service Auth.

Value Type: string

Value: Your team name.

​​ Required for DNS-only policy enforcement

This field is used to enforce DNS policies when deploying the client in DoH-only mode.

​​ gateway_unique_id

Instructs the client to direct all DNS queries to a specific Gateway DNS location. This value is only necessary if deploying without a team name or in an organization with multiple DNS locations. If you do not supply a DoH subdomain, we will automatically use the default Gateway DNS location for your organization.

Value Type: string

Value: Your DoH subdomain.

​​ Optional fields

​​ service_mode

Allows you to choose the operational mode of the client.

Value Type: string


  • 1dot1 — Gateway enforcement of DNS policies only through DoH. All other traffic is handled by your device’s default mechanisms.
  • warp — (default) All traffic sent through Cloudflare Gateway via our encrypted tunnel. This mode is required for features such as HTTP policies, Browser Isolation, identity-based rules, and device posture.

New service modes such as Proxy only are not supported as a value and must be configured in Zero Trust.

​​ onboarding

Controls the visibility of the onboarding screens that ask the user to review the privacy policy during an application’s first launch.

Value Type: boolean


  • false — Screens hidden.
  • true — (default) Screens visible.

​​ switch_locked

Allows the user to turn off the WARP switch and disconnect the client.

Value Type: boolean


  • false — (default) The user is able to turn the switch on/off at their discretion. When the switch is off, the user will not have the ability to reach sites protected by Access that leverage certain device posture checks.
  • true — The user is prevented from turning off the switch. The WARP client will automatically start in the connected state.

On new deployments, you must also include the auto_connect parameter with at least a value of 0. This will prevent clients from being deployed in the off state without a way for users to manually enable them.

​​ auto_connect

If switch has been turned off by user, the client will automatically turn itself back on after the specified number of minutes. We recommend keeping this set to a very low value — usually just enough time for a user to log in to hotel or airport Wi-Fi. If any value is specified for auto_connect the default state of the WARP client will always be Connected (for example, after the initial install or a reboot).

Value Type: integer


  • 0 — Allow the switch to stay in the off position indefinitely until the user turns it back on.
  • 1 to 1440 — Turn switch back on automatically after the specified number of minutes.

​​ support_url

When the WARP client is deployed via MDM, the in-app Send Feedback button is disabled by default. This parameter allows you to re-enable the button and direct feedback towards your organization.

Value Type: string


  • https://<> — Use an https:// link to open your company’s internal help site.
  • mailto:<> — Use a mailto: link to open your default mail client.

​​ override_api_endpoint

Overrides the IP address used by the WARP client to communicate with the client orchestration API. If you set this parameter, be sure to update your organization’s firewall to ensure the new IP is allowed through.

This functionality is intended for use with a Cloudflare China local network partner or any other third-party network partner that can maintain the integrity of network traffic. Most IT admins should not set this setting as it will redirect all API traffic to a new IP.

Value Type: string

Value: — Redirect all client orchestration API calls to

The string must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address, otherwise the WARP client will fail to parse the entire MDM file.

​​ override_doh_endpoint

Overrides the IP address used by the WARP client to resolve DNS queries via DNS over HTTPS (DoH). If you set this parameter, be sure to update your organization’s firewall to ensure the new IP is allowed through.

This functionality is intended for use with a Cloudflare China local network partner or any other third-party network partner that can maintain the integrity of network traffic. Most IT admins should not set this setting as it will redirect all DoH traffic to a new IP.

Value Type: string

Value: — Redirect all DNS over HTTPS lookups to

The string must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address, otherwise the WARP client will fail to parse the entire MDM file.

​​ override_warp_endpoint

Overrides the IP address and UDP port used by the WARP client to send traffic to Cloudflare’s edge. If you set this parameter, be sure to update your organization’s firewall to ensure the new IP is allowed through.

This functionality is intended for use with a Cloudflare China local network partner or any other third-party network partner that can maintain the integrity of network traffic. Most IT admins should not set this setting as it will redirect all WARP traffic to a new IP.

Value Type: string

Value: — Redirect all WARP traffic to on port 500.

The string must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 socket address (containing the IP address and port number), otherwise the WARP client will fail to parse the entire MDM file.

​​ unique_client_id

Assigns a unique identifier to the device for the device UUID posture check.

Value Type: string

Value: UUID for the device (for example, 496c6124-db89-4735-bc4e-7f759109a6f1).

​​ auth_client_id

Enrolls the device in your Zero Trust organization using a service token. Requires the auth_client_secret parameter.

Value Type: string

Value: Client ID of the service token.

​​ auth_client_secret

Enrolls the device in your Zero Trust organization using a service token. Requires the auth_client_id parameter.

Value Type: string

Value: Client Secret of the service token.

​​ display_name

When WARP is deployed with multiple organizations or configurations, this parameter is used to identify each configuration in the GUI.

Value Type: string

Value: Configuration name shown in the GUI (for example, Test environment).