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Traceroute test

Feature availability
WARP modesZero Trust plans
  • Gateway with WARP
  • Secure Web Gateway without DNS Filtering
All plans
SystemAvailabilityMinimum WARP version

A traceroute test measures the network path of an IP packet from an end-user device to a server. You can use the test results to troubleshoot network issues. For example, increased latency may indicate a problem with connectivity along the network path.

​​ Create a test

To set up a traceroute test for an application:

  1. In Zero Trust, go to DEX > Tests.
  2. Select Add a Test.
  3. Fill in the following fields:
    • Name: Enter any name for the test.
    • Target: Enter the IP address of the server you want to test (for example, You can test either a public-facing endpoint or a private endpoint you have connected to Cloudflare.
    • Source device profiles: (Optional) Select the WARP device profiles that you want to run the test on. If no profiles are selected, the test will run on all supported devices connected to your Zero Trust organization.
    • Test type: Select Traceroute.
    • Test frequency: Specify how often the test will run. Input a minute value between 5 and 60.
  4. Select Add test.

Next, view the results of your test.

​​ Test results

A traceroute test measures the following data:

Network pathIP address, average response time, and packet loss for each hop between the device and the target.
Round trip timeTime between sending out a packet and receiving a response from the target.
Number of hopsNumber of routers encountered between the device and the target.
Packet lossPercentage of IP packets that failed to receive a response.
AvailabilityPercentage of tests where at least one packet reached the destination.
Last seen ISPThe Internet Service Provider that is managing the connection from the device to Cloudflare. (Only available on macOS and Windows.)

DEX looks up the IP address of the ISP in the MaxMind GeoIP2 database and returns the corresponding ASO and ASN. If the ASO and ASN are Unknown, it means this information is unavailable in MaxMind.