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Connect to Google Cloud SQL

This example shows you how to connect Hyperdrive to a Google Cloud SQL PostgreSQL database instance.

​​ 1. Allow Hyperdrive access

To allow Hyperdrive to connect to your database, you will need to ensure that Hyperdrive has valid user credentials and network access.

​​ Cloud Console

When creating the instance or when editing an existing instance in the Google Cloud Console:

To allow Hyperdrive to reach your instance:

  1. In the Cloud Console, select the instance you want Hyperdrive to connect to.
  2. Expand Connections > ensure Public IP is enabled > Add a Network and input
  3. Select Done > Save to persist your changes.
  4. Select Overview from the sidebar and note down the Public IP address of your instance.

To create a user for Hyperdrive to connect as:

  1. Select Users in the sidebar.
  2. Select Add User Account > select Built-in authentication.
  3. Provide a name (for example, hyperdrive-user) > select Generate to generate a password.
  4. Copy this password to your clipboard before selecting Add to create the user.

With the username, password, public IP address and (optional) database name (default: postgres), you can now create a Hyperdrive database configuration.

​​ gcloud CLI

The gcloud CLI allows you to create a new user and enable Hyperdrive to connect to your database.

Use gcloud sql to create a new user (for example, hyperdrive-user) with a strong password:

$ gcloud sql users create hyperdrive-user --instance=YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME --password=SUFFICIENTLY_LONG_PASSWORD

Run the following command to enable Internet access to your database instance:

# If you have any existing authorized networks, ensure you provide those as a comma separated list.
# The gcloud CLI will replace any existing authorized networks with the list you provide here.
$ gcloud sql instances patch YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME --authorized-networks=""

Refer to Google Cloud’s documentation for additional configuration options.

​​ 2. Create a database configuration

To configure Hyperdrive, you will need:

  • The IP address (or hostname) and port of your database.
  • The database username (for example, hyperdrive-demo) you configured in a previous step.
  • The password associated with that username.
  • The name of the database you want Hyperdrive to connect to. For example, postgres.

Hyperdrive accepts the combination of these parameters in the common connection string format used by database drivers:


Most database providers will provide a connection string you can directly copy-and-paste directly into Hyperdrive.

To create a Hyperdrive configuration with the Wrangler CLI, open your terminal and run the following command. Replace <NAME_OF_HYPERDRIVE_CONFIG> with a name for your Hyperdrive configuration and paste the connection string provided from your database host, or replace user, password, HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS, port, and database_name placeholders with those specific to your database:

$ npx wrangler hyperdrive create <NAME_OF_HYPERDRIVE_CONFIG> --connection-string="postgres://user:password@HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS:PORT/database_name"

This command outputs a binding for wrangler.toml:

name = "hyperdrive-example"
main = "src/index.ts"
compatibility_date = "2023-09-11"
node_compat = true # required for database drivers to function
# Pasted from the output of `wrangler hyperdrive create <NAME_OF_HYPERDRIVE_CONFIG> --connection-string=[...]` above.
binding = "HYPERDRIVE"
id = ""

Install the driver:

$ npm install pg

Copy the below Worker code, which passes the connection string generated from env.HYPERDRIVE.connectionString directly to the driver.

import { Client } from 'pg';
export interface Env {
// If you set another name in wrangler.toml as the value for 'binding',
// replace "HYPERDRIVE" with the variable name you defined.
HYPERDRIVE: Hyperdrive;
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx): Promise<Response> {
// Create a database client that connects to our database via Hyperdrive
// Hyperdrive generates a unique connection string you can pass to
// supported drivers, including node-postgres, Postgres.js, and the many
// ORMs and query builders that use these drivers.
const client = new Client({ connectionString: env.HYPERDRIVE.connectionString });
try {
// Connect to our database
await client.connect();
// Test query
const result = await client.query({ text: 'SELECT * FROM pg_tables' });
// Returns result rows as JSON
return Response.json({ result: result });
} catch (e) {
return Response.json({ error: e.message }, { status: 500 });
} satisfies ExportedHandler<Env>;

​​ Next steps