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Network Analytics Logs

The descriptions below detail the fields available for network_analytics_logs.

​​ AttackCampaignID

Type: string

Unique identifier of the attack campaign that this packet was a part of, if any.

​​ AttackID

Type: string

Unique identifier of the mitigation that matched the packet, if any.

​​ AttackVector

Type: string

Descriptive name of the type of attack that this packet was a part of, if any. Only for packets matching rules contained within the Cloudflare L3/4 managed ruleset.

​​ ColoCity

Type: string

The city where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located.

​​ ColoCode

Type: string

The Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet (nearest IATA airport code).

​​ ColoCountry

Type: string

The country where the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).

​​ ColoGeoHash

Type: string

The latitude and longitude where the colo that received the packet is located (Geohash encoding).

​​ ColoName

Type: string

The unique site identifier of the Cloudflare datacenter that received the packet (for example, ‘ams01’, ‘sjc01’, ’lhr01’).

​​ Datetime

Type: int or string

The date and time the event occurred at the edge.

​​ DestinationASN

Type: int

The ASN associated with the destination IP of the packet.

​​ DestinationASNName

Type: string

The name of the ASN associated with the destination IP of the packet.

​​ DestinationCountry

Type: string

The country where the destination IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).

​​ DestinationGeoHash

Type: string

The latitude and longitude where the destination IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding).

​​ DestinationPort

Type: int

Value of the Destination Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet.

​​ Direction

Type: string

The direction in relation to customer network.
Possible values are ingress | egress.

​​ GREChecksum

Type: int

Value of the Checksum header field in the GRE packet.

​​ GREEtherType

Type: int

Value of the EtherType header field in the GRE packet.

​​ GREHeaderLength

Type: int

Length of the GRE packet header, in bytes.

​​ GREKey

Type: int

Value of the Key header field in the GRE packet.

​​ GRESequenceNumber

Type: int

Value of the Sequence Number header field in the GRE packet.

​​ GREVersion

Type: int

Value of the Version header field in the GRE packet.

​​ ICMPChecksum

Type: int

Value of the Checksum header field in the ICMP packet.

​​ ICMPCode

Type: int

Value of the Code header field in the ICMP packet.

​​ ICMPType

Type: int

Value of the Type header field in the ICMP packet.

​​ IPDestinationAddress

Type: string

Value of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet.

​​ IPDestinationSubnet

Type: string

Computed subnet of the Destination Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6).

​​ IPFragmentOffset

Type: int

Value of the Fragment Offset header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet.

​​ IPHeaderLength

Type: int

Length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet header, in bytes.

​​ IPMoreFragments

Type: int

Value of the More Fragments header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet.

​​ IPProtocol

Type: int

Value of the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet.

​​ IPProtocolName

Type: string

Name of the protocol specified by the Protocol header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet.

​​ IPSourceAddress

Type: string

Value of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet.

​​ IPSourceSubnet

Type: string

Computed subnet of the Source Address header field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet (/24 for IPv4; /64 for IPv6).


Type: int

Value of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet.

​​ IPTTLBuckets

Type: int

Value of the TTL header field in the IPv4 packet or the Hop Limit header field in the IPv6 packet, with the last digit truncated.

​​ IPTotalLength

Type: int

Total length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes.

​​ IPTotalLengthBuckets

Type: int

Total length of the IPv4 or IPv6 packet, in bytes, with the last two digits truncated.

​​ IPv4Checksum

Type: int

Value of the Checksum header field in the IPv4 packet.


Type: int

Value of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv4 packet.

​​ IPv4DontFragment

Type: int

Value of the Don’t Fragment header field in the IPv4 packet.

​​ IPv4ECN

Type: int

Value of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv4 packet.

​​ IPv4Identification

Type: int

Value of the Identification header field in the IPv4 packet.

​​ IPv4Options

Type: string

List of Options numbers included in the IPv4 packet header.


Type: int

Value of the Differentiated Services Code Point header field in the IPv6 packet.

​​ IPv6ECN

Type: int

Value of the Explicit Congestion Notification header field in the IPv6 packet.

​​ IPv6ExtensionHeaders

Type: string

List of Extension Header numbers included in the IPv6 packet header.

​​ IPv6FlowLabel

Type: int

Value of the Flow Label header field in the IPv6 packet.

​​ IPv6Identification

Type: int

Value of the Identification extension header field in the IPv6 packet.

​​ MitigationReason

Type: string

Reason for applying a mitigation to the packet, if any.

​​ MitigationScope

Type: string

Whether the packet matched a local or global mitigation, if any.
Possible values are local | global.

​​ MitigationSystem

Type: string

Which Cloudflare system sampled the packet.
Possible values are dosd | flowtrackd | magic-firewall.

​​ Outcome

Type: string

The action that Cloudflare systems took on the packet.
Possible values are pass | drop.

​​ ProtocolState

Type: string

State of the packet in the context of the protocol, if any.
Possible values are OPEN | NEW | CLOSING | CLOSED.

​​ RuleID

Type: string

Unique identifier of the rule contained within the Cloudflare L3/4 managed ruleset that this packet matched, if any.

​​ RuleName

Type: string

Human-readable name of the rule contained within the Cloudflare L3/4 managed ruleset that this packet matched, if any.

​​ RulesetID

Type: string

Unique identifier of the Cloudflare L3/4 managed ruleset containing the rule that this packet matched, if any.
Possible values are 3b64149bfa6e4220bbbc2bd6db589552.

​​ RulesetOverrideID

Type: string

Unique identifier of the rule within the accounts root ddos_l4 phase ruleset which resulted in an override of the default sensitivity or action being applied/evaluated, if any.

​​ SampleInterval

Type: int

The sample interval is the inverse of the sample rate. For example, a sample interval of 1000 means that this packet was randomly sampled from 1 in 1000 packets. Sample rates are dynamic and based on the volume of traffic.

​​ SourceASN

Type: int

The ASN associated with the source IP of the packet.

​​ SourceASNName

Type: string

The name of the ASN associated with the source IP of the packet.

​​ SourceCountry

Type: string

The country where the source IP of the packet is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).

​​ SourceGeoHash

Type: string

The latitude and longitude where the source IP of the packet is located (Geohash encoding).

​​ SourcePort

Type: int

Value of the Source Port header field in the TCP or UDP packet.

​​ TCPAcknowledgementNumber

Type: int

Value of the Acknowledgement Number header field in the TCP packet.

​​ TCPChecksum

Type: int

Value of the Checksum header field in the TCP packet.

​​ TCPDataOffset

Type: int

Value of the Data Offset header field in the TCP packet.

​​ TCPFlags

Type: int

Value of the Flags header field in the TCP packet.

​​ TCPFlagsString

Type: string

Human-readable string representation of the Flags header field in the TCP packet.


Type: int

Value of the MSS option header field in the TCP packet.

​​ TCPOptions

Type: string

List of Options numbers included in the TCP packet header.

​​ TCPSACKBlocks

Type: string

List of the SACK Blocks option header in the TCP packet.

​​ TCPSACKPermitted

Type: int

Value of the SACK Permitted option header in the TCP packet.

​​ TCPSequenceNumber

Type: int

Value of the Sequence Number header field in the TCP packet.

​​ TCPTimestampECR

Type: int

Value of the Timestamp Echo Reply option header in the TCP packet.

​​ TCPTimestampValue

Type: int

Value of the Timestamp option header in the TCP packet.

​​ TCPUrgentPointer

Type: int

Value of the Urgent Pointer header field in the TCP packet.

​​ TCPWindowScale

Type: int

Value of the Window Scale option header in the TCP packet.

​​ TCPWindowSize

Type: int

Value of the Window Size header field in the TCP packet.

​​ UDPChecksum

Type: int

Value of the Checksum header field in the UDP packet.

​​ UDPPayloadLength

Type: int

Value of the Payload Length header field in the UDP packet.

​​ Verdict

Type: string

The action that Cloudflare systems think should be taken on the packet.
Possible values are pass | drop.