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Workers Trace Events

The descriptions below detail the fields available for workers_trace_events.

​​ DispatchNamespace

Type: string

The Cloudflare Worker dispatch namespace.

​​ Entrypoint

Type: string

The name of the entrypoint class in which the Worker began execution.

​​ Event

Type: object

Details about the source event.

​​ EventTimestampMs

Type: int

The timestamp of when the event was received, in milliseconds.

​​ EventType

Type: string

The event type that triggered the invocation.
Possible values are fetch.

​​ Exceptions

Type: array[object]

List of uncaught exceptions during the invocation.

​​ Logs

Type: array[object]

List of console messages emitted during the invocation.

​​ Outcome

Type: string

The outcome of the worker script invocation.
Possible values are ok | exception.

​​ ScriptName

Type: string

The Cloudflare Worker script name.

​​ ScriptTags

Type: array[string]

A list of user-defined tags used to categorize the Worker.

​​ ScriptVersion

Type: object

The version of the script that was invoked.