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Spectrum events

The descriptions below detail the fields available for spectrum_events.

​​ Application

Type: string

The unique public ID of the application on which the event occurred.

​​ ClientAsn

Type: int

Client AS number.

​​ ClientBytes

Type: int

The number of bytes read from the client by the Spectrum service.

​​ ClientCountry

Type: string

Country of the client IP address.

​​ ClientIP

Type: string

Client IP address.

​​ ClientMatchedIpFirewall

Type: string

Whether the connection matched any IP Firewall rules. UNKNOWN = No match or Firewall not enabled for spectrum; UNKNOWN | ALLOW | BLOCK_ERROR | BLOCK_IP | BLOCK_COUNTRY | BLOCK_ASN | WHITELIST_IP | WHITELIST_COUNTRY | WHITELIST_ASN.

​​ ClientPort

Type: int

Client port.

​​ ClientProto

Type: string

Transport protocol used by client; tcp | udp | unix.

​​ ClientTcpRtt

Type: int

The TCP round-trip time in nanoseconds between the client and Spectrum.

​​ ClientTlsCipher

Type: string

The cipher negotiated between the client and Spectrum. An unknown cipher is returned as “UNK.”

​​ ClientTlsClientHelloServerName

Type: string

The server name in the Client Hello message from client to Spectrum.

​​ ClientTlsProtocol

Type: string

The TLS version negotiated between the client and Spectrum; unknown | none | SSLv3 | TLSv1 | TLSv1.1 | TLSv1.2 | TLSv1.3.

​​ ClientTlsStatus

Type: string

Indicates state of TLS session from the client to Spectrum; UNKNOWN | OK | INTERNAL_ERROR | INVALID_CONFIG | INVALID_SNI | HANDSHAKE_FAILED | KEYLESS_RPC.

​​ ColoCode

Type: string

IATA airport code of data center that received the request.

​​ ConnectTimestamp

Type: int or string

Timestamp at which both legs of the connection (client/edge, edge/origin or nexthop) were established.

​​ DisconnectTimestamp

Type: int or string

Timestamp at which the connection was closed.

​​ Event

Type: string

connect | disconnect | clientFiltered | tlsError | resolveOrigin | originError.

​​ IpFirewall

Type: bool

Whether IP Firewall was enabled at time of connection.

​​ OriginBytes

Type: int

The number of bytes read from the origin by Spectrum.

​​ OriginIP

Type: string

Origin IP address.

​​ OriginPort

Type: int

Origin port.

​​ OriginProto

Type: string

Transport protocol used by origin; tcp | udp | unix.

​​ OriginTcpRtt

Type: int

The TCP round-trip time in nanoseconds between Spectrum and the origin.

​​ OriginTlsCipher

Type: string

The cipher negotiated between Spectrum and the origin. An unknown cipher is returned as “UNK.”

​​ OriginTlsFingerprint

Type: string

SHA256 hash of origin certificate. An unknown SHA256 hash is returned as an empty string.

​​ OriginTlsMode

Type: string

If and how the upstream connection is encrypted; unknown | off | flexible | full | strict.

​​ OriginTlsProtocol

Type: string

The TLS version negotiated between Spectrum and the origin; unknown | none | SSLv3 | TLSv1 | TLSv1.1 | TLSv1.2 | TLSv1.3.

​​ OriginTlsStatus

Type: string

The state of the TLS session from Spectrum to the origin; UNKNOWN | OK | INTERNAL_ERROR | INVALID_CONFIG | INVALID_SNI | HANDSHAKE_FAILED | KEYLESS_RPC.

​​ ProxyProtocol

Type: string

Which form of proxy protocol is applied to the given connection; off | v1 | v2 | simple.

​​ Status

Type: int

A code indicating reason for connection closure.

​​ Timestamp

Type: int or string

Timestamp at which the event took place.