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Configure aws-sdk-php for R2

You must generate an Access Key before getting started. All examples will utilize access_key_id and access_key_secret variables which represent the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key values you generated.

This example uses version 3 of the aws-sdk-php package. You must pass in the R2 configuration credentials when instantiating your S3 service client:

require 'vendor/aws/aws-autoloader.php';
$bucket_name = "sdk-example";
$account_id = "<accountid>";
$access_key_id = "<access_key_id>";
$access_key_secret = "<access_key_secret>";
$credentials = new Aws\Credentials\Credentials($access_key_id, $access_key_secret);
$options = [
'region' => 'auto',
'endpoint' => "https://$",
'version' => 'latest',
'credentials' => $credentials
$s3_client = new Aws\S3\S3Client($options);
$contents = $s3_client->listObjectsV2([
'Bucket' => $bucket_name
// array(1) {
// [0]=>
// array(5) {
// ["Key"]=>
// string(14) "ferriswasm.png"
// ["LastModified"]=>
// object(Aws\Api\DateTimeResult)#187 (3) {
// ["date"]=>
// string(26) "2022-05-18 17:20:21.670000"
// ["timezone_type"]=>
// int(2)
// ["timezone"]=>
// string(1) "Z"
// }
// ["ETag"]=>
// string(34) ""eb2b891dc67b81755d2b726d9110af16""
// ["Size"]=>
// string(5) "87671"
// ["StorageClass"]=>
// string(8) "STANDARD"
// }
// }
$buckets = $s3_client->listBuckets();
// array(1) {
// [0]=>
// array(2) {
// ["Name"]=>
// string(11) "sdk-example"
// ["CreationDate"]=>
// object(Aws\Api\DateTimeResult)#212 (3) {
// ["date"]=>
// string(26) "2022-05-18 17:19:59.645000"
// ["timezone_type"]=>
// int(2)
// ["timezone"]=>
// string(1) "Z"
// }
// }
// }

​​ Generate presigned URLs

You can also generate presigned links that can be used to share public read or write access to a bucket temporarily.

$cmd = $s3_client->getCommand('GetObject', [
'Bucket' => $bucket_name,
'Key' => 'ferriswasm.png'
// The second parameter allows you to determine how long the presigned link is valid.
$request = $s3_client->createPresignedRequest($cmd, '+1 hour');
// https://sdk-example.<accountid><credential>&X-Amz-Date=<timestamp>&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-Signature=<signature>
// You can also create links for operations such as putObject to allow temporary write access to a specific key.
$cmd = $s3_client->getCommand('PutObject', [
'Bucket' => $bucket_name,
'Key' => 'ferriswasm.png'
$request = $s3_client->createPresignedRequest($cmd, '+1 hour');

You can use the link generated by the putObject example to upload to the specified bucket and key, until the presigned link expires.

$ curl -X PUT https://sdk-example.<accountid><credential>&X-Amz-Date=<timestamp>&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-Signature=<signature> --data-binary @ferriswasm.png