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URL redirect parameters

A URL redirect has a source URL, a target URL, a status code, and some additional parameters that affect its URL matching behavior and runtime behavior.

The URL redirect parameters are the following:

  • Source URL String

    • API field name: source_url.
    • The URL string that the incoming request URL must match for the redirect to be applied. This property is mandatory. The maximum length of the source URL is 32 KB.
    • The value must be a valid URL, but the URL scheme is not required (for example, https); when the scheme is omitted, the redirect applies to both http and https URL schemes.
    • A Bulk Redirect List cannot contain several URL redirects with the exact same source URL.
    • The exact behavior of the URL matching algorithm, which matches an incoming request with the redirect’s source URL, depends on the values of the Include subdomains and Subpath matching parameters.
    • For more information on the supported URL components, refer to Supported URL components.
  • Target URL String

    • API field name: target_url.
    • The URL where the client will be redirected to when there is a match for the URL redirect. This property is mandatory. The maximum length of the target URL is 32 KB.
    • The value must be a valid URL. The final target URL depends on the values of the Preserve query string and Preserve path suffix parameters.
    • For more information on the supported URL components, refer to Supported URL components.
  • Subpath matching Boolean

    • API field name: subpath_matching.
    • If true, the current redirect will apply the subpath matching algorithm to the request URL when determining if there is a match for the current URL redirect. The default value is false.
    • For example, a URL redirect from /my-folder/ to /other-folder/ with Subpath matching enabled will also redirect a request from /my-folder/item to /other-folder/item. However, the redirect will only include the item part when Preserve path suffix is true. Refer to Preserve path suffix for details.
    • For more information, refer to Matching the source URL of redirects.
  • Include subdomains Boolean

    • API field name: include_subdomains.
    • If true, the source URL hostname will also apply to any subdomains — the redirect will match for all subdomains to the left of the domain portion of the source URL, as well as the specified domain. The default value is false.
    • For example, a redirect with source URL defined as will also apply to requests with source URL or
    • For more information, refer to Matching the source URL of redirects.
  • Preserve query string Boolean

    • API field name: preserve_query_string.
    • If true, the redirect URL will keep the query string of the original request. The default value is false.
    • For example, a URL redirect from /my-folder/ to /other-folder/ with Preserve query string enabled will redirect a request from /my-folder/?name=value to /other-folder/?name=value. If Preserve query string is disabled, the request will be redirected from /my-folder/?name=value to /other-folder/.
  • Preserve path suffix Boolean

    • API field name: preserve_path_suffix.
    • Applicable only when Subpath matching is enabled. If true, defines that the redirect URL will include the remaining (non-matched) path elements of the source URL, if any. The default value is true.
    • For example, when both Subpath matching and Preserve path suffix are enabled, a URL redirect from /my-folder/ to /another-folder/ will redirect an incoming request from /my-folder/foo to /another-folder/foo. If Preserve path suffix is disabled, the same request would still match the URL redirect, but it would redirect from /my-folder/foo to /another-folder/.
  • Status code Integer

    • API field name: status_code.
    • The HTTP status code returned to the client when redirecting. The default value is 301.
    • The value must be one of the following: 301 (Moved permanently), 302 (Found, also known as Moved temporarily), 307 (Temporary redirect), or 308 (Permanent redirect).