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Known issues

Below are some known bugs and issues to be aware of when using Cloudflare Workers.

​​ Route specificity

  • When defining route specificity, a trailing /* in your pattern may not act as expected.

Consider two different Workers, each deployed to the same zone. Worker A is assigned the* route and Worker B is given the* route pattern. With these in place, here are how the following URLs will be resolved:

// (A)*
// (B)*

// -> B
// -> B
// -> B

You will notice that all examples trigger Worker B. This includes the final example, which exemplifies the unexpected behavior.

When adding a wildcard on a subdomain, here are how the following URLs will be resolved:

// (A) * 
// (B)* 

// -> B

​​ wrangler dev

  • When running wrangler dev --remote, all outgoing requests are given the cf-workers-preview-token header, which Cloudflare recognizes as a preview request. This applies to the entire Cloudflare network, so making HTTP requests to other Cloudflare zones is currently discarded for security reasons. To enable a workaround, insert the following code into your Worker script:
const request = new Request(url, incomingRequest);
return await fetch(request);

​​ Custom ports

For Workers subrequests, when a Worker is deployed, custom ports are ignored and requests are sent to the scheme’s default port, such as 443 for HTTPS. Note that when developing a Worker locally, or from within the Cloudflare dashboard using Quick Edit, custom ports are respected and allowed.

For example:

await fetch('')

is the equivalent of:

await fetch('')

​​ Fetch to IP addresses

For Workers subrequests, requests can only be made to URLs, not to IP addresses directly. To overcome this limitation add a A or AAAA name record to your zone and then fetch that resource.

For example, in the zone create a record of type A with the name server and value, and then use:

await fetch('')

Do not use:

await fetch('')